Letters from LW Nov. 23

📣Attention Limestone Walters Families~ Here is the November edition of our monthly newsletter: Letters from Limestone Walters. This will provide you with important information for the month. Be sure to check out:
✨Important Dates & Reminders
✨Nov. Cookies & Bookies
✨Monthly Limited Time Lunch Offering
✨Inclement Weather & Winter Recess
✨Veterans Day Assembly & The Importance of Gratitude
✨Curriculum Updates & Nurse's Corner
✨PTO Updates & Upcoming Events (Santa Breakfast Save the Date)

As a reminder, Halloween is on Tuesday, October 31st and there are just a few things we want to make sure you knew heading into what will be a frightfully delightful day:
🎃Students are dismissed @11:20am
🎃K-5 Pumpkin Decorating Contest pumpkins can be dropped off with your child’s name and grade level (see attached flyer)
🎃Halloween Parade/Costume Competition is open to the public
🎃You may begin arriving @9:30am
🎃K-4th Halloween Parade starts at 9:45am 👻K-4th grade may wear their costume to school 🎃5th-8th Costume Competition will immediately follow 👻5th-8th need to bring their costume to school
🎃Halloween Parties will start afterward around 10:40amish
🎃Younger siblings must stay home if you are helping out with room parties

Go be a Rocket! 🚀✨